Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cattle Rabies, Colombia, human exposure, vampire bats

... four farms have reported the incidence of cattle rabies, spread by vampire bats. The cases have been reported in the rural area of San Cayetano (San Juan Nepomuceno) and in the adjacent area of Montes de Mario region.

... the feeding habits of vampire bats who harbor the rabies virus are such that when the bats feed upon either cattle or horses, the saliva of the vampire bat is loaded with rabies virus, subsequently infecting the animals.

... ocassional human exposure takes place; as cases of vampire bats who have inflicted wounds upon humans has resulted in reported cases of rabies in humans.

... farmers and cattlemen in the affected regions have been urged to vaccinate their livestock with suitable rabies vaccine.

..... submitted by Walter M Woolf, V.M.D. ..... principal owner and managing director, Air Animal Pet Movers, Tampa, Florida ... ...

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